Convocatoria Guandu International Nature Art Festival

Convocatoria The Future Generation Art Prize
Convocatoria ART VISION VJING 2016
Convocatoria The Future Generation Art Prize
Convocatoria ART VISION VJING 2016

Convocatoria Guandu International Nature Art Festival

· Convocatoria abierta hasta: 20 de julio de 2016
Convoca: Guandu Nature Park
País sede: Taiwán
Incentivos: Traslado + Otros
Disciplinas: creadores comprometidos con el medio ambiente tanto en contextos locales como globales; artistas que estén interesados en la relación de la naturaleza, el ser humano y el medio ambiente con el arte
Restricciones de edad: Ninguna
Restricciones geográficas: Abierto a artistas de todas nacionalidades
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Located at the junction of Tamshui River and Jilong River, Guandu Nature Park is a nature park of wetland preservation with landscape consisting of an integrated wetland environment of swamp and pond. It is a great inhabitation for a rich variety of organisms, as well as an important pass-by stop for migratory birds in their annual migration route. Hence, it has been recognized by BirdLife International as an “Important Bird Area” (IBA). The park, authorized by Taipei City Government, is currently administrated under the Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST) and devotes care to wetland and wild birds’ conservation.

Some parts of the Park are open for general public to visit, but most areas are preservation for birds and other wild creatures which are restricted for public access. Visitors can observe these wild creatures via telescope or attend the guided tour arranged by the Park in order to visit the restricted areas. In addition, the Park has designed many environmental education programs that give opportunities to people to interact with nature and acknowledge the importance of environmental preservation.

We will select 5 artists to create his/her installation in the main area of Guandu Nature Park. Main Area is the region of the Park which opens for the public with admission hours and fees. It includes the Visitor Center, birdwatching cabins, ponds, trails, and other educational facilities. There are various sites to choose in Main Area.

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> > Recibe la Cartelera Completa de Convocatorias – Suscríbete Sin Costo Aquí < <
> > Publicar una convocatoria en CÍRCULO A: ver condiciones < <

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 Nuevos cursos en línea de Taller Multinacional

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